Android tips and tricks

Project maintained by ezamelczyk Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Reusing drawables

If you’re assigning Drawable programmatically to multiple views and you’re modifying it’s properties - make sure to create each drawable with separate state:

val stateListDrawable = typedArray.getDrawable(R.drawable.stateListDrawable)

More info on that here


Refactoring Dagger injected values

Ever had trouble with refactoring kotlin with Dagger?
Now you can use this simple regex to refactor this:

var injected: Sometype? = null  

to this:

lateinit var injected: Sometype

Just hit cmd+R and paste this simple regex into the first field:

(\@Inject\n.*)(var.+?(?=\? = null))(\? = null)`

and this to the second:

$1lateinit $2

And hit replace all.